We promised you some FUN Cult Activities.
Here they are…
-Clearly these are for entertainment purposes only.
Which Cult Leader are you most like?
What Kind Of Cult Should You Join?
The ORIGINAL Dante’s Inferno test (our personal favorite and most accurate)
Learn about the “Scientology Personality Test” offered at your local fairs and events
You can take the full test online with Oxford capacity, however you should be aware that this is only a way to force you into purchasing a “program or course” from The Church of Scientology. (bringing you one step closer to TOM!!)
Are you a good person? -Kirk’s test (living waters ministry…)
Free stuff from The Raelians… they had no fun quiz, just free books and music.
https://www.rael.org/download.php (you can decide what you want to dl, does not auto dl)
So you joined a Cult and now you want to leave… could you?
Could You Escape A Cult? Take The Quiz! It’s Harder Than You Think!
Fun CULT party game -Think “cards against humanity” but culty! -You can print it out and play!!
Sole Survivor browser game:
Cult Stats and “Must Haves” List:
Basic Tenets;
Best compound: Land/House/Tents/Caves
-Can you live and work on the compound?
Best Leader/Guru/Prophet/:
Can you be with the Prophet?
Prophet stats: Charismatic/Wild/Quiet/Sexy/Robotic/Alien/Vessel
Do you believe?
Can you marry? / wives/
Can you have sex? With Humans/Aliens/Inanimate objects?
Doomsday? End of times?
Don’t forget to listen to the new episode “Season of the Cult”